Neck - Iso Sides

Recommendations: 1-2 Sets, 5-15 Dur

Beginner Neck Body Only Push Gym Home

Purpose: This exercise tones and strengthens the neck muscles.

Benefits: The primary advantage to a strong neck is that it helps align the rest of your body. Neck exercises are often overlooked by gym goers, so it's important to create awareness around simple neck isometric exercises like these.

Stand or sit in a neutral position. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your body straight. Place your right hand firmly on the right side of your head about ear height. This is the starting position. Slowly push to the right with your head against your hand by contracting your neck. Ensure that you are pushing your head towards your hand and not the other way round. Keep your hand as still as possible in order to create the isometric resistance. Keep your head looking forward at all times. Breathe normally during this movement. Pause for the recommended time. Return to the starting position by releasing the tension slowly. Repeat for the required number of repetitions. Stand or sit in a neutral position. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your body straight. Place your left hand firmly on the left side of your head about ear height. This is the starting position. Slowly push to the left with your head against your hand by contracting your neck. Ensure that you are pushing your head towards your hand and not the other way round. Keep your hand as still as possible in order to create the isometric resistance. Keep your head looking forward at all times. Breathe normally during this movement. Pause for the recommended time. Return to the starting position by releasing the tension slowly. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

The neck muscles are responsible for holding your head up. The motion of the neck can be divided into rotation (looking side to side), lateral flexion (ear to shoulder), flexion (chin to sternum) and hyperextension (looking up). The most common neck injury is whiplash. Another common neck problem is limited rotation.

Step 1

Stand upright with your right hand placed against the right side your head.


Stand or sit in a neutral position. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your body straight. Place your right hand firmly on the right side of your head about ear height. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Slowly push your head against your hand. Pause.


Slowly push to the right with your head against your hand by contracting your neck. Ensure that you are pushing your head towards your hand and not the other way round. Keep your hand as still as possible in order to create the isometric resistance. Keep your head looking forward at all times. Breathe normally during this movement. Pause for the recommended time.

Step 3

Return to the starting position by releasing the tension slowly.


Return to the starting position by releasing the tension slowly. Stand or sit in a neutral position. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your body straight. Place your right hand firmly on the right side of your head about ear height. Repeat as required.

Step 4

Stand upright with your left hand placed against the left side your head.


Stand or sit in a neutral position. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your body straight. Place your left hand firmly on the left side of your head about ear height. This is the starting position.

Step 5

Slowly push your head against your hand. Pause.


Slowly push to the left with your head against your hand by contracting your neck. Ensure that you are pushing your head towards your hand and not the other way round. Keep your hand as still as possible in order to create the isometric resistance. Keep your head looking forward at all times. Breathe normally during this movement. Pause for the recommended time.

Step 6

Return to the starting position by releasing the tension slowly.


Return to the starting position by releasing the tension slowly. Stand or sit in a neutral position. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your body straight. Place your left hand firmly on the left side of your head about ear height. Repeat as required.